May 30, 2020
A prayer style is nothing more and nothing less than our preferred way to pray. We all have certain approaches, and we’ll talk about that today. But the most important thing to realize as we start out is that one approach is not better than another. Each has their own advantages, and I hesitate to say weaknesses...
May 23, 2020
God’s Word reminds us in Hebrews 11:6 that God rewards those who diligently seek Him, and that’s a big part of what prayer is. Remember that Jesus said, “Apart from me, you can do nothing.” So this is part of what it means to “abide” in Him, cling to Him, “hang out” with Him even, if you will.
May 16, 2020
This week James and Robby dive into some quotes and writings from Charles Spurgeon on the topic of prayer.
May 9, 2020
So often we can feel guilty when it comes to praying because we measure ourselves against verses like 1 Thess. 5:17–“Pray continually”—and we can think, “I’ll never get there.” But it’s so important to understand that we can’t build our prayer lives on legalism, do’s or don’ts, or methods either....
May 2, 2020
One of the greatest struggles many face when it comes to prayer is feeling like they just don't have the time. James Banks and Robby Dilmore tackle that issue in today's episode of Encouraging Prayer.