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Aug 29, 2020

Today James suggests an approach to prayer that can help you do it more often, and also pray in strategic and practical ways. It just takes a little preparation, like putting together a playlist. But once you start to learn it you’ll find out how powerful it is.

Aug 22, 2020

In Psalm 13 David prays, “How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?” It’s a great prayer to talk about because the fact that you see it in Scripture shows us something really important, that we CAN pray like this.  God never corrects or disciplines anyone for praying like this, not at all. Prayers like this...

Aug 15, 2020

There’s a phrase that you see in both Ezra and Nehemiah, and it’s hard to miss because it’s in several places. Ezra 7:6, 7:9, 7:28, 8:18, 8:31 Nehemiah 2:8, I’m sure there are probably more references, but that’s just a quick reading, and all talk about “the gracious hand of God being on someone,” and as...

Aug 8, 2020

James and Robby talk about learning how to pray well with other people like friends and family.

Aug 1, 2020

We've got some "fresh bread" for you today, a new course at Our Daily Bread University! For about a year James has been working on a 10 lesson video series there, and it’s now available there online, for free!